

Free Shipping on U.S.A. orders


Now partnered with Happy Returns!

We are now offering free returns through Happy Returns for all U.S. orders placed on our website. Just click on the button below to start your return.

Not happy with your order?

We offer free returns on all U.S. orders within 45 days of the purchase date. Just click the button above to be redirected to our return portal.

How do I package my return?

Please send the item back in original condition using the same packaging it was shipped in and include the packing slip for the order.

Need more assistance?

Please reach out to and one of our customer service team members will assist you.

Common Return Questions

What is Happy Returns?

Happy Returns is a nationwide return company that offers a solution for free returns to the customers of its partners. While there are more than 10,000 happy returns bars around the United States, returns from our website are currently only offered through postal carriers.

Do I have to use Happy Returns?

While you are welcome to return your order whichever way you'd like, Happy Returns is the only way you will be able to return your order free of charge. Please note: we will not reimburse you for returning your order outside of the Happy Returns dashboard.

When will I get my refund?

After your return is processed, a refund will be applied to the card or account used to place your order. Typically, this will be within 5-7 business days after your return is dropped off with the carrier.

Do you offer exchanges?

Unfortunately, we do not offer exchnages for any products on the website. If you purchased an incorrect part and would like to receive the correct one, please place a separate order through our website.

Does my international order qualify for a free return?

Only orders shipping to one of the 50 U.S. states qualify for free returns through our returns portal. All other orders placed through our website will be required to pay return shipping fees.